Conscience and Shame
(mental elements 31 and 32, Cs-Sh)
If an individual abandons immoral or unethical action out of disgust for immorality, it is due to conscience. Conscience arises out of respect or honor for oneself.
Shame is the reason that a person abandons immoral or unethical action out of apprehension for immorality. Shame arises out of respect or honor for others.
If a playboy gets married or becomes a father and then suddenly stops having extramarital affairs, it is most likely due to the arising of conscience. Now he respects his role as a husband or as a father. If he stops having extramarital affairs to honor his wife, family, society, community, then his chosen course of action is most likely due to the arising of shame. Notice the conditions of self-respect and respect for others.
If a strip club dancer resigns and stops exposing her full body at the club because she gets married or becomes a mother, it is most likely due to conscience. She now respects her role as a wife or a mother. If she stops exposing her full body in public to honor her husband, family, society, community, then her chosen course of action is most likely due to shame.
Because we live in society, in the midst of other people, our actions directly or indirectly impact other people. When we live with conscience and shame, we automatically begin to refine our actions because we start respecting ourselves as well as others. Both conscience and shame are responsible for qualities such as modesty, grace, and reverence.
Conscience and shame are most wholesome when they arise as a pair element. As a pair, these two elements are predominantly responsible for guarding morality and civility in the world. They should be established and practiced in cultures where there is pornography, impropriety, immodesty, and so forth. They should also be practiced and established in cultures where there is rampant corruption, dishonesty, and injustice.