Simply stated, mindfulness means being aware, or having presence of mind as in awareness. Mindfulness should not be confused with simply being present, worldly-minded attentiveness, or the ability to focus.
These are extremely rudimentary forms of mindfulness.
Fundamentally speaking, mindfulness means "minding an experience in its totality." For example, when a meditator says he is mindful of his breath, he should mean that he is paying attention to his breath, observing it as it moves, reflecting upon its movement, contemplating its changing and impersonal nature, and then becoming aware of it as a bodily phenomenon that is impermanent and impersonal.
(Click on the link at the bottom of the page for step by step instructions on how to practice such a mindfulness meditation.)
When a meditator says he is mindful about a feeling, he should mean that he is paying attention to the feeling, observing it as it changes, reflecting upon or perceiving its quality (as painful or pleasant, joy or sorrow), contemplating its changing and impersonal nature, and then becoming aware of it as a mental phenomenon that is impermanent and impersonal.
Becoming mindful is like remembering who we really are and becoming aware of ourselves. The practice of mindfulness is meant for making us aware of our true nature.
When mindfulness is established through ardent and diligent practice (see link below), it gives rise to a sense of mental mastery. We begin to feel we are in control of the mind. We begin to feel we know our own mind. This sense of mental mastery awakens the mind to its own ultimate potential. We start realizing what our minds can do. We start thinking about extraordinary things. We no longer fall prey to mundane aspects of our existence. Instead, we start pursuing flawlessness, aptness, righteousness, excellence, greatness, and so on. In this way, mindfulness wakes up the mind to attain mental perfection. It makes the mind prone to enlightenment.
Established mindfulness guarantees mental perfection just as entering a river guarantees a one-way journey towards the ocean, the river’s final destination. The spiritual path is like a river moving towards the ocean of perfect intelligence. Any spiritual path begun with mindfulness is destined to culminate there. In this sense, established mindfulness is the number one mental power required on a spiritual journey to enlightenment.
Pikes Peak Library District ( and other US libraries are now carrying
Every SUNDAY: Fire Dept. Hall Every FRIDAY: Colorado College
Starting April 11, 2010, S.R.I. will serve local communities by offering various meditation services for stress management, physical and mental wellbeing, & true awakening. Open to all. No cost.
"What is Consciousness?"
A Groundbreaking Lecture
& Book Signing at
Celebration Conscious Living Store
Community Event Room
Come and join us for the one-of-a-kind lecture by Sam Adettiwar, the author of "The Elements of Soul." All events sponsored by S.R.I. are cost-free. All profits from book sales are donated to S.R.I by the author.
When: Saturday, 04/24/10, 1-4PM
Where: 2209 W. Colorado Avenue, Colorado Springs, Co 80921
HP & Agilent Wkly Service
Meditation for Stress Management
A unique stress management practice developed by S.R.I. to serve HP folks. Weekly, Wednesdays, Noon to 1pm.
Venue: HP Fitness Center, 305 S. Rockcrimman Blvd, Colorado Springs.
Only for HP & Agilent employees.
S.R.I. can also serve the needs of your organization. Please contact us at for details.
"...Observe body in body, breath in breath, feeling in feeling, mind in mind, consciousness in consciousness...without clinging to anything in the world..."
The Buddha
"Feelings come and go like clounds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing (mindfulness) is my anchor."
Thich Nhat Hanh
"Observe the space between your thoughts, then, observe the observer."
Hamilton Boudreaux
To go beyond yourself, you must become mindful (know) of yourself."
Nisargadatta Maharaj
"Never underestimate the power of recognizing whats going on."
Mindfulness not only is a powerful spiritual practice, it also is a universal mental remedy. Many mundane mental problems can be solved effectively by its practice. For example, forgetfulness, emotional vulnerability, and addiction to food, drinks, and intoxicants, and high or low self-esteem, among other problems can all be cured by the practice of mindfulness.
Mindfulness is an anchor for spiritual seekers. It becomes their best refuge, island resort, and last home! It protects and restrains the mind and exerts the mind whenever and wherever necessary. It develops the mind wholesomely so that it becomes independent of and unattached to anything in the world. When mindfulness is present, there is no need to search for a safe haven. It itself is the place to rest safely and peacefully.
Upcoming Spring Picnic
Details coming soon.
Two new committees being formed:
1.Health/Physical Fitness and 2.Earth Awakening/Environemntal Awareness